Monday, April 20, 2009

The Beginning

Well, this is my first time blogging. I started this blog to share our adoption journey with friends, family and others who are adopting. Kellin and I have always wanted to have children. We have been trying for over three years and have not been able to have any on our own. We talked about adopting even before we got married but thought that we would adopt once our children were older. I have irregular periods and even when I do get it, I don't always ovulate. We went to a specialist about a year and a half after we started trying. He thought that fertility pills would work for us and we were going to try it after we got back from our missions trip to Africa. When we were there, we fell in love with the kids and we both decided to go ahead with the adoption instead of the fertility pills. Some people wonder why we didn't do both, but it was better for us just to focus on one thing at a time. We may try the pills later, but for now we are excited about the adoption. We started the process a year ago in May. That is when we went to an adoption seminar. It was a great time and we learnt a lot. We decided that we want to get two children right away, because we have always wanted more than one child. We are hoping for at least one under 12 months and either a twin or a sibling under 4 years old. It took a while for us to get all our paperwork done and we finished the homestudy in October 2008. Our dossier was finished in January 2009 and now it is officially in Ethiopia. We got the news last week that we are on the waiting list. Yipee! Unfortunately, the waiting list to get a referral is about 16-18 months right now. So now we are waiting for the referral and to bring our children home.


  1. Welcome to bloggy-land sis! Thanks for sharing here, I always forget to ask you questions about the adoption until months after I thought up the question :) This will be a good way to stay up to date! Love you!

  2. Just found the link to your blog on Lori's and thought I would pop in to say hello. If you check out my blog's sidebar you can see that you and Kellin have had a special place in my thoughts and prayers as you wait the arrival of your children. It is exciting to think that one or both of your kids could already be born! I can't wait to meet them!
