Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Meeting with our Social Worker

Like I mentioned in my last blog we are still planning on adopting. God has put it on our heart and we believe that is what God has called us to do. However, now that we are pregnant, it is going to look a little different.

At first, we hoped that we would be able to just continue the process like it is right now. We had anticipated that by next year Christmas we would have a referral and be able to pick them up next spring/summer. We knew that the province wanted us to wait a year between big events (like pregnancy) to adjust to our new situation, so this would work out perfectly. By that time, our baby would be about a year already, and although this would be very crazy, we still can't wait to bring home our children that we have been waiting for, for so long.

Last week we had a meeting with our social worker for our yearly update on our file. At the meeting, we found out that we can't adopt the way we originally planned too. We were going to adopt siblings, one 12 months or younger and one up to 4 years old. We found out that, not only do they want us to wait a year, they want a year between this child and any that we adopt. They also want to keep the birth order, so this baby has to be the oldest child because it is coming into our family first. What this all means is that the earliest we will be able to adopt is when this baby is about a year and a half and if we still want siblings, then we will adopt twins or we will have to wait a couple years longer.

For now, we haven't had to make any decisions, but we will have to make some tough decisions soon. We have to decide whether we want to adopt one at a time now, just twins, or still siblings like we had originally planned. We will also have to decide if we are going to continue to try and get pregnant again, if we are able to. If that happens before the adoptions, then it pushes everything back again and if we try after, we don't know if it will ever happen again.

So, although this is a very exciting time for us, we don't know when we will be able to get our adopted children. We will just have to continue to trust God. He gave us this miracle at this time and He's the only one who knows what the future is going to look like.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8,9


  1. Wow! So much is happening in your world lately! I could have bawled (in a good way) yesterday thinking about your news from last post =) My husband and I are so happy for you! God will make a way for His perfect timing with all the children He will give to you!

  2. Congratulations on your pregnancy! That is very exciting! Hope it goes well, and I hope you can carry on with your adoption plans when the time is right.

    I know all about the policies regarding adoption... and it's frustrating. We too wanted to adopt out of birth order because we were thinking of adopting 2 children for our second adoption, but they must BOTH be at least one year younger than our son, (who's 2). We would have to wait a very long time to get 2 kids under his, we're sticking with one.
